The core goal of this project was to merge digital and physical design to work towards solving a social, political, or other sort of issue. We were told to choose something that is important to us, so I chose something that is most important and pressing to me: LGBT rights. More specifically, I wanted to normalize LGBT people and the education of the history of this community. Middle schoolers and high schoolers especially are unaware of the options and vocabulary available and sometimes go years without knowing why they feel the way they do, all because classrooms refuse to discuss it and words like “lesbian” are treated as taboo.
I wanted to make something for kids who feel lonely and unsure of who they are. This poster series would ideally be put up in classrooms to raise awareness and promote normalization of LGBT identities. The QR codes link to an Instagram with the same name of "Let's Get This Straight," with posts detailing people included in the poster and information on the situations this group is working to improve.
Instagram Link: