This is a redesign of Hi Fructose Magazine, a contemporary art magazine emphasizing unusual art and art that blurs lines between genres. I redesigned the masthead, designed covers for two separate issues, a table of contents, and a feature. My concept for the redesigned masthead was to combine a stroke with a fill because of the emphasis on combining genres and then distort the filled part in a way that imitated syrup, as in high fructose corn syrup.

My feature was about the work of Henry Gunderson, a modern surrealist painter. His work redefines a variety of established concepts, like consumerism and in this case, masculinity. The paintings featured in these spreads are a reexamination of masculinity, using the iconic image of cowboys. He takes these masculine symbols and puts them in drag, with glittery eyeshadow and places their portraits in butterfly silhouettes. My design uses the eyes from these paintings and puts them in a new context, as Gunderson does in his own artwork. I titled the article "It's Hard to See From Where I'm Standing," based on the painting featured on the final spread of a endless series of men staring at their own feet.